eCAADe 2024: Nicosia


The Association for Education and Research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe – eCAADe organizes the 42nd annual conference at University of Cyprus, Nicosia. The workshops will take place from 09th to 10th of September 2024 and the conference will take place from 11th to 13th of September 2024. More information about the conference schedule and topics can be found, here

During the 2020s and beyond, the field of computational design and fabrication will face a number of new challenges and opportunities offered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML). These technologies represent a new era of data-driven intelligence, which is steadily gaining increasing influence in other fields, but as yet has had little impact in architecture. At the core of this new technological shift, data will be collected, processed, shared, and used as a decision-making tool to resolve a multitude of social, economic, and environmental issues.

In view of this paradigm shift, the conference attempts to provide the ground for presenting and discussing possibilities offered by data-driven intelligence across a range of thematic areas. These diverse themes might in turn influence and provide the ground for reconsidering architectural knowledge and practice in the future. In parallel, the conference attempts to critically reflect upon, discuss and question the future of applying data-driven intelligence in architectural knowledge and practice. What are the risks posed by the use of data-driven intelligence in architecture? In this new era, what will the role of architects be? Does this mark the beginning of a reconsideration of the way architects participate in the creation of knowledge and practice, or will it bring about their marginalisation? What will the social, economic, and environmental impact of data-driven intelligence be?

The conference endeavours to address the theme of data-driven intelligence in architectural knowledge and practice spherically. It also looks to explore the advantages and disadvantages that this can bring to the discipline, but also the possibilities that it might offer, with particular emphasis on computational design and fabrication. In view of this perspective, the eCAADe 2024 conference ‘Data-Driven Intelligence’ invites authors to submit their work on the conference theme.[Read Exended Version]

Topics Include but are not limited to:
• Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Deep Learning for Design and Built Environment
• Building Information Modelling, Parametric and Generative Design
• Collaborative and Participative Design
• Data Acquisition, Big Data and Digital Twins in Architecture
• Design Concepts, Strategies and Experimentation
• Design Tools Development and Application
• Digital Design and Construction for Sustainable Built Environment
• Education in Computational Design and Digital Fabrication
• Human-Computer Interaction in Design
• Information Technology and Digital Heritage
• Internet of Things for Built Environment
• Numerical Control and Robotic Fabrication
• Shape, Form, Geometry and Material Studies
• Smart and Responsive Design and Optimization of Structures
• Smart Cities, Simulation, Prediction and Evaluation
• Theory and Practice in Computational Design and Digital Fabrication
• Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality and Mixed Reality in Architecture