Architects Council of Europe
Cyprus Architects Association as the leading scientific and professional body representing Architects in Cyprus, has been a registered member of the Architects Council of Europe (ACE) since 1999. Acceptance of admission to this important European Organization has been a milestone for Cyprus Architects Association and the members Architects it represents.
Mies van der Rohe
Mies van der Rohe Foundation invites Cyprus Architects Association every two years to undertake Nominations for the European Architecture Award Mies van der Rohe Award. In this context, Cyprus Architects Association proposes up to five (5) implemented projects for Cyprus representation.
The European Platform for Architectural Design Competitions
ARCH-E is a project co-funded by the European Union under the Creative Europe framework (CREA). Its main objective is to promote high-quality architectural solutions for the built environment by increasing the use of architectural design competitions (ADC) in Europe and overcoming cross border market barriers in the market for architectural services; ADC structures determined by national frameworks and traditions and due to a lack of information exchange, there is very low transnational participation. This information lack excludes many architects from participating in the (cross border) market and thus hinders competition. Small/micro-enterprises – with an above- average proportion of female and/or young architects – are particularly affected, which has a detrimental effect on their professional career. Promoting ADCs will lead to a better implementation of the Davos Declaration for Baukultur and of the New European Bauhaus in European planning and building projects on a daily basis and will help to meet the climate challenge and to improve the quality of the built environment.
Our Consortium reaches over 560,000 architects across Europe who benefit from the project results.
International Union of Architects ∙ Union of Mediterranean Architects
The Mediterranean region, with almost 800 million inhabitants, an enormous cultural, demographic and economic diversity, large migratory movements and an extremely valuable cultural heritage (material and intangible), is one of the most critical and potentially conflictive areas in the world, where many of the most important challenges facing humanity take place, such as climate change, armed conflicts or migrations, making it a pioneering region in the search for collective solutions.
The architects of the Mediterranean, organized through the respective National Councils, and the Mediterranean Union of Architects UMAR, aware of their professional and organizational capacities, assume the part of responsibility that corresponds to them as a multicultural public service throughout the Mediterranean area, capable of establishing the necessary networks and channels to share experiences and solutions in our towns and cities, which can also serve as a reference in other parts of the world.
Commonwealth Association of Architects
From 2012, Cyprus Architects Association is responsible for monitoring and participating in the work of the International Union of Architects (UIA), Union of Mediterranean Architects (UMAR) and the Commonwealth Association of Architects (CAA).